Becoming Familiar With Californian Law The Basics

Kings county california lawyers

If you need to choose a criminal lawyer or simply explore your options in light of an altercation or conviction, Hanford attorneys are available to assist you in all matters legal. Domestic violence statistics and DUI consequences are just a few of the constant elements that see Californian residents turning to legal firms. To find an attorney is to broaden your horizons and keep your options flexible when moving through the legal system in search of a reasonable conclusion.

What Is Probation?

The state of California sees a frequent percentage of people being put under probation for the use of illegal substances. Probation is offering a convicted individual release from jail time provided they meet a certain standard of good behavior by the needs of local state law. The year 2012 saw well over four million adults either moved onto or off probation.

What Is A Restraining Order?

Domestic violence and family law sees a regular application for restraining orders by various parties. Elder abuse restraining orders are issued specifically to protect either an abused or threatened person over the age of 65. Other restraining orders can be issued in light of physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, stalking, threats and disorderly conduct. Hanford attorneys can assist with all aspects of filing a restraining order, from analyzing child custody to handling information in a confidential manner.

What Is The ICWA?

Issued in 1978, the Indian Child Welfare Act is a law put in place to keep American Indian children within American Indian families. Studies have shown as many as 25% to 35% of American Indian children in certain states being taken from their families and placed in non-Native homes, raising concerns by multiple parties including the institution of the ICWA. Seeking out a family law attorney is an essential step in assisting with potential breaches of the ICWA law.

What Is Robbery?

The act of petty theft, as well as more extreme cases, sees millions of dollars lost in damages year after year. First-degree robbery carries a state prison sentence of at least three years, with some cases ranging nine years, while second-degree robbery is punishable by around five years in the state of California. Homeowners will often seek out security cameras and more elaborate insurance premiums in an attempt to curb the rate of property damages and loss, though Hanford attorneys can assist with any financial or legal recourse following the aftermath of a robbery.

How Can An Attorney Assist Me?

When filing for a divorce or seeking probation you need to complete the necessary first steps to ensure a reasonable conclusion is reached. Filing for a restraining order can be an arduous process, so seeking out the aid of a family law attorney can help with gathering resources, changing your personal information and securing your finances. Additional factors such as child custody can also be addressed. A criminal defense attorney can address charges of drunk driving or probation, as well. Hanford attorneys handle a variety of issues all throughout the year, so contact your legal firm today and see how they can help you get back on the right track.

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