The major bank that is running its public services announcements during primetime television events a following the guidelines of government requirements. After being found guilty of improperly, and some feel dishonestly, misreporting the number of accounts and customers that they have, it is imperative that the bank regulators follow through on all of the assessed penalties. And while the public service announcements are the first step of the financial institution meeting its requirements, the bank is also hoping that the prime time commercials will also help their public relations problems. Being known as a bank that has filed false reports about the number of legitimate customer accounts that you gained in the last year is an accusation that can be difficult to over come. In spite of the efforts of apologetic commercials, the likelihood of more litigation attorneys getting involved is fairly likely.
With all of the news about financial accusation and corruption, it is not surprising that the number of legal careers continue to grow. In a time when the government is trying to more closely regulate the financial and securities trading in corporate America, in fact, the need for probate litigation attorneys seems to be never ending.
Finding a Speciality Area in the Law Field Often Depends on Personal Interests
Whether you attend law school with the intention of becoming a financial advisor attorney or a personal injury attorney, your choice is likely determined by your interests. They could be interests you have always possessed or they could be interests that were piqued by current events and recent crisis news. For instance, as the housing crisis expanded, more and more legal offices across the country looked toward assigning blame to the banks and the financial advisers who benefitted from a crisis that made many others suffer.
And while the housing crisis has caught the attention of the Americans in the middle income arena, those in the upper tiers of the financial spectrum are dealing with a prolific environment commodities and securities. More specifically, legal statistics indicate that in the year 2014, there were 1,639 securities and commodities fraud pending cases. Also in that year, there were 633 pending corporate fraud cases. None of these cases are solved quickly. In fact, these cases can stretch on for months, even years. And while it might be the current population of lawyers and litigation attorneys who are trying these cases now, indications are that an even larger population of of legal professionals will be needed in the future.