If you’ve slipped and fallen on the job and sustained injuries due to improper flooring materials, you are one of over two million people in that has this problem each year, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The next step for you to take should be to file for workers compensation. If you are denied by your boss or are threatened with losing your job as a result of this, you need a workers compensation attorney.
Going through the tedious process of filing for workers comp can be a deterrent for many people who are rightly owed money. The best way to tackle a workers comp claim is with the assistance of a workers compensation attorney. They are some of the best resources available to help you prepare your claim, and see it through.
If, however, you were fired for filing a workers comp form, you should seek out the help of wrongful termination lawyers. This is an all too common problem in America, and these lawyers are there to help protect your rights. Each year, roughly 150,000 people are wrongfully terminated from their jobs in the United States. This is the number that’s reported at least. It could be much higher.
Many employers believe they can fire someone for reporting an incident at work, or for filling out workers compensation forms. This is not the case. Common wrongful termination cases include the following.
- Being the victim of sexual harassment, and being fired when you try to make it stop.
- Being fired for explicitly discriminatory reasons like race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
- Being fired in a way that violates an employment contract.
- Being fired for filing a claim or complaint against your employer. This includes workers compensation claims, formal complaints about your superior, and reporting illegal activity to the proper oversight authorities.
If you have had your job taken away from you for any of these reasons, you should contact a workers compensation attorney immediately. Even if you live in an at-will employment state, you still have rights. Consult with your attorney about the next appropriate step, and tell them everything you know about the case. This will help them build evidence. If you feel victimized by a former employer, call your attorney today.
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