If you have been injured, particularly if the injury was not your fault, this can be a very stressful situation to face. You might have many expenses that you did not plan for, and this might be more than you can handle. It might be a good idea to work with an injury attorney to see what kind of compensation you can get, as this can help you pay your expenses.
If you do not know a lot about personal injury law, there is a chance that you might wonder, how can I find the best automobile accident injury attorney in my area? How do I know which ones are the best personal injury law firms? Are the best rated personal injury lawyers really the best attorneys? What can a car accident claim attorney actually do for me? It might be a good idea to contact the office of an injury attorney if you want to know more about this topic and have these questions answered. You can also do some online research to find out more general information on the topic, as that will likely be helpful as well.
It’s bad enough when you get injured, but things can become infinitely worse when it’s the result of treatment originally meant to help you.
Many people would likely be shocked to find out just how many medical malpractice cases are taken to court. But who can blame these people for seeking out help from a personal injury attorney for being harmed for just looking for help.
Especially considering how profitable personal injury claims can be for malpractice suits. Just looking at all paid medical malpractice claims made through a settlement or jury award from 2005 to 2009, the average compensation for medical malpractice from an inpatient setting was around $363,000, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Like many personal injury cases, many medical malpractice cases favor the plaintiff. It’s not surprising that a jury would empathize with a person sitting in front of them who was just injured while seeking out medical treatment.
Of all of the malpractice cases that made it to trial, plaintiffs won 21% of the verdicts. Another 61% of settlement-based resolutions favored the plaintiffs as well.
Strangely enough though, many of these victims wait long periods of time before hiring a personal injury attorney. A 2007 study from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) examined the outcomes of medical malpractices across a few select states. Their findings showed that the average injured patient held off for 16.5 months before filing for a personal injury settlement.
This could be explained in part due to many of them being in a state where they are unable to attend court hearings or even to be out in public, be it due to a preexisting condition or to whatever injury they are filing over.

While doctors and physicians are here to help you, there’s no guaranteeing that each and everyone is as responsible and competent as the next. If you become injured just from seeking out treatment, then you deserve compensation. Allow your personal injury attorney to get it for you.