You may have reached a point in time where the only option that you have is to file bankruptcy, and in this case, it’s best that you work with a professional. You can look for a good one in your local bankruptcy law offices and engage them, asking about anything that you may be unsure about. This includes details such as “Can I file bankruptcy if I haven’t filed taxes?” and “What’s filing bankruptcy at 22 like?” among others.
The more information that you have about the process, the easier it will be for you to make the best call. That said, take time to do your own research and talk to the expert that you hire to help you out. If you prefer, you may be able to talk to the expert you hire to help you with bankruptcy by phone, saving yourself time in the process.
You should remember that it’s crucial to plan for both now and the future so that you make decisions that will safeguard your finances in the best possible way. Apart from searching on the internet for something like “financial advisor bankruptcy” when looking for a professional with whom to work, you can also ask friends and family whether they know any.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is probably what most people think of when they think about filing bankruptcy. Of the approximately 1,071,932 bankruptcy filings in the United States last year, most were Chapter 7.
In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most of the debtor’s debts are liquidated and forgiven. If you are unable to make your monthly debt payments, this might be the answer for you to get a fresh start. And while you technically don’t need to hire an attorney when you file bankruptcy, most experts say it’s in your best interest to do so.
When you hire a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney, you will find that the benefits far outweigh the costs.
Here are the top four advantages of hiring a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney for Chapter 7 bankruptcy help:
1. Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys protect you from creditor harassment: One reason you are likely considering bankruptcy is the constant barrage of phone calls from debt collectors. These calls can be a source of anxiety for anyone. As soon as you begin the bankruptcy process with a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney, you will be instantly protected from creditors and debt collectors.
2. Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys know how to file bankruptcy: Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a lengthy, complex process that involves a lot of paperwork. If the paperwork isn’t filled out properly, your bankruptcy could be denied by the court. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney has experience with filling out this paperwork and will make sure your bankruptcy is approved.
3. Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys have worked with plenty of cases like yours: The best Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys have years of specialized experience in working with individuals filing for bankruptcy. You can feel assured that your financial future is in good hands when you hire an attorney for your bankruptcy.
4. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney can help you evaluate whether you need to file bankruptcy: Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy isn’t always the right answer for everyone. While it rids you of your debts, it also shows up on your credit report for 10 years afterward. By talking with an attorney who knows bankruptcies, you can figure out if a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is right for you — or if you would be better served by filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which helps you reorganize your debts. More research here: charleshuberlaw.com