The current pastor communicated the latest explanation of the endowment fund bylaw that were discussed at the latest church council meeting. Two years ago when a retired pastor died from complications of dementia, the congregation and the pastor’s family members donated a significant amount of money in his name.
The financial adviser that the council is working with went to great lengths to explain the best practice in endowment management and explains that he considers a 4% annual draw to be a safe amount to withdraw from an endowment to protect the principal.
This is because history shows over time that a well-managed investment portfolio with an appropriate balance of stocks and fixed assets will earn on average well above 4%, so that even if the market drops in a given year, the principal still will be protected over the longer term if no more than 4% is withdrawn annually. He also pointed to a history of He is also noted the earnings history of the church’s governing body has a combined investment fund that has been very favorable, so that a 4% draw would be appropriate.
Having a set withdrawal rate annually is a better approach to endowment management than trying to figure out a withdrawal rate on a yearly basis. The danger in determining a new annual rate every year is that in good years the committee could feel comfortable withdrawing a greater amount, which could endanger the principal over time when market performance is down. If there would be a protracted economic downturn, the 4% withdrawal rate could always be revisited. The governing group will also be regularly monitoring the performance of the overseeing church’s investment account to make sure funds are growing at an appropriate rate.
The last step, of course, is to have an attorney look over the plans for the funds, but this will be a formality.
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